a clockwork orange
I had LASIK surgery yesterday. This morning I can see. It's incredible.
They say it will take several months for my eyes to heal to the point where I get my best vision, but even today it's decent. I'm probably getting in the neighbourhood of 20/40 or 20/50 uncorrected, which I think is pretty amazing, considering that just yesterday afternoon they were slicing open my cornea and burning it with a laser.
I'm now allowing myself to hope for 20/20 uncorrected, altho I'm not counting on it.
I will say this: all the people I had talked to beforehand said it was "relatively painless". They lied. Or maybe I just blotted the word "relatively" out of my mind. Or maybe I'm just a big baby. But in any case, it *was* somewhat painful when they cut the flap, and when the numbing drops wore off after surgery it felt like I had hot sand in my eyes. I took 4 Advils and a big slug of Benadryl and went to sleep for 12 hrs -- I highly recommend this approach. My eyes feel fine this morning, and all's well with the world.
The only downside I can see is that since I'm 40 yrs old I'll need reading glasses now. Being nearsighted, I was able to see clearly close-up without my glasses on -- now that we've "corrected" away that anomalie, I'm like everyone else -- I'll have to be dragging my glasses out to read prescriptions, etc.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes, in case you have no life of your own...