Tuesday, January 22, 2008

nothing much to say

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr day yesterday. Not sure who MLK, Jr was, actually -- wasn't he a famous doctor or something?

Home sick from work today. Maybe punishment for the joke above. Probably a good thing since I have months' of stuff (taxes, invoices, tickets to book, etc.) to do. Naturally, I'll start off by writing a blog post (and a pointless one at that), since that's the kind of efficient time-manager I am.

Last week was 2 days in Sacramento, 3 days in Dallas, weekend in Austin. Flights were delayed Sunday in Denver (we sat on the tarmac for an hr and a half, breathing jet exhaust from the planes in front of us waiting to get de-iced). Finally got home about 2am...

Won our hockey game last night against a team in the next division above ours. They had skill and experience, and we had a lot of effort. We had a "scoring line" (skilled players) and a "checking line" (more about establishing physical presence than, say, scoring goals). Since this is an upper division team, I'm firmly in the "checking line" category. Anyway, we managed to put points up anyway -- I got an assist on a really nice tic-tac-toe goal* toward the end of the game that sealed it for us.

This is a guy unclear on how to act with the police getting tased by a cop unclear on the concept of what constitutes legitimate use of force...

Here's a guy who got tased for not taking off his baseball cap. I think he has a point.

And this is a bathroom in an all-woman office. It has Cucumber-Melon Body Splash (with moisturizing Aloe Vera), as well as many other mysterious things not part of my personal care regimen...

This is what men need in a bathroom (deluxe model):

I hope everyone is well. May your week be taser-free.

*For Si et al: a tic-tac-toe goal means several quick one-time passes back and forth before scoring.


At Tue Jan 22, 12:49:00 PM PST, Blogger Amy said...

My point exactly! If more men were willing to use "what they really need", it would keep our women's bathrooms so much nicer! Can't wait to show the hubby your idea...

At Tue Jan 22, 06:20:00 PM PST, Blogger SoozeSchmooze said...

Wow to the taser videos...seems like a huge misuse of force and power...officers these days really have to be careful with all the various ways their actions can be video taped...seems like it won't always be their word against the defendents...there could be proof of misuse of power...I didn't think that sounded like that unusual of a bathroom.. ;)

At Thu Jan 24, 10:27:00 PM PST, Blogger si said...

ACK! (you know what i mean!) :D
and my response would be: what were you doing in an all-women's bathroom, eh?

amy -- totally agree! :)

and thx for the continuing hockey lesson-ettes. i'm sure i'll be a knowledgeable fan soon...


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