Monday, February 27, 2006

Things that make you go Hmm...

My niece Sequoiah (okay, actually she's Hannah's niece -- does that make her my ex-niece?) has a stuffed turtle that she uses as a teething toy. The turtle has flippers, a mask, and a snorkel. Sequoiah chews on the snorkel.
Here are a couple of pictures of the turtle and his snorkel.

My question to you, dear readers, is this: could you could make a snorkel that looks more like genitalia? Is it even possible? I mean, if the pope commissioned Michelangelo to draw the male reproductive organs and then fasten them onto the head of a stuffed turtle, would you get anything more penis-like? No? I didn't think so, either.


At Mon Feb 27, 07:54:00 PM PST, Blogger unca said...

I'm sitting here laughing out loud at both the photos and your comments. Absolutively funny!

At Mon Feb 27, 07:59:00 PM PST, Blogger heatherfeather said...

if i didn't used to provide personal care for severely disabled adults, and the first diaper i had ever changed wasn't on a 28 year old man, i would have no frame of reference.



At Tue Feb 28, 12:33:00 AM PST, Blogger jay are said...

I, too, am just cracking right up. Oh good grief...and h-f, that's quite an unfortunate frame of reference for you to have :)

At Tue Feb 28, 01:29:00 PM PST, Blogger Blogball said...

I believe this turtle is classified in the erectile family.

At Tue Feb 28, 06:24:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogball, you've been missed!

this is hysterical. you're right, this toy could not be made to look more phallic.

this post & the next one prove the split personalities that comprise bryan...

At Sun Mar 05, 10:50:00 AM PST, Blogger heatherfeather said...

jay are, that's awful sweet (and hopeful) of you to believe me...


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