Wednesday, April 11, 2007

i'm baaa-ack

Sorry to be gone so long. I missed you all. I know it must have been hard to continue without a new blog post to make you forget momentarily your drab, wretched lives. Or maybe that was my life, I forgot which.

Anyway, the kids & I went to my cousin's wedding in Atlanta. She got married. It was very nice. Her new husband and his family are very nice, in spite of being Norwegian*. The weather was chilly, but very nice. Pretty much everything was very nice. I am rambling now. I should be working because I'm swamped, but instead I'm posting, and not very interestingly at that.

It was great to see a lot of family we don't get to see often enough. Camila and Maribel flew out from Austin, which was great -- I wanted her to meet my mom's family, many of whom are crazy, but great people and a lot of fun.

By taking both my kids *and* C&M, I created a situation for myself where I wanted to see my aunts/uncles/cousins/etc at the same time as being responsible for travel, lodging, entertainment, etc of four people who didn't really know anyone very well. In retrospect it would have been easier to not try to stretch my fun by bringing together everyone I care for all at once, but it all turned out fine. Camila said she liked my family and didn't even mention the part about them being crazy. I was glad my kids got to know my extended family better, also.

Okay, that's not very interesting unless you're me, which you're not, so sorry about that.

As previously stated, the wedding was lovely, the food was delicious, a good time had by all. Some useful conversations with my kids about various things including the importance of a positive attitude, what "first cousin once removed" means, how I could be 42 and have a cousin who turns 12 this year, why more Atlantans are black than Seattleites are, and why Dad will buy you food, but you have to pay for your own in-flight movie.

Maybe if you're *really* bored, later I'll post some pics...

*(that's a joke, relax)


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