Saturday, June 17, 2006

More stuff by Sam

I would say I get to see about a tenth of what she draws. Of those, only a percentage are in electronic format so I can post them here. It's like she never stops drawing all day (her teachers are not always impressed).

Anyway, sorry the focus is so lousy on these...

I assume this is a protrait of David, but she didn't tell me that, so I'm not going to assume...


At Sat Jun 17, 09:57:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day tomorrow...

At Sat Jun 17, 10:55:00 PM PDT, Blogger Kylee said...

More Greatness from you very talented daughter.

I hope you have a wonderful father's day.

At Sun Jun 18, 10:48:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did i ever mention that i took an art class? (hah!) have a whole lotta respect for the talent (& apparent) ease in producing these that sam has...

btw, happy dad's day!

p.s. phone working? :)

At Tue Jun 20, 11:26:00 AM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...


I don't really hate you, but don't look through my binder and take pictures. There's personal stuff in there! D:

And actually, it's just a portrait of a guy from a magazine, but everyone thinks it's David, so I guess I'll go with that.

At Tue Jun 20, 02:15:00 PM PDT, Blogger Rob said...

hey, ADD girl:
if you recall, i took those pictures as we looked thru your binder together.
goofball. :-)


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