Here we are again
Scheduled departure time: 7:30pm
Time now: 10:03pm
Projected departure time: ???
Estimated chance of actually getting back to Seattle tonight: I'm guessing 1 in 3.
Updated irregularly, with wildly varying degrees of enthusiasm and skill.
Sounds like normal air travel to me. What's the point?
I heard the weather was pretty bad in Texas, maybe your lucky to get out. You probably did not do what I did the last time I flew out of Texas and go to Chicago on the way home. Hope you made it ok.
I agree with mamacita. This is just a test of human patients to prepare humanity for what most likely we will face in the future.
so are you still in an airport? hope you made it home okay.
mamacita: welcome back (testing or not)!
Did not make it home last night.
Airline put us in a hotel for 4 hrs then onto the first flight this AM (also late).
In the category of things that make you go "hmmm", the couple across the aisle were inventing their own version of the Mile High Club. We'll just say that when we landed she had on a sly little Mona Lisa smile and he looked sleepy and content...
Drove from the airport to the client site -- showed up at noon in the same (casual) clothes I left TX in yesterday, but I did stop for a toothbrush and deodorant on the way...
All in all, about a 16-hr travel extravaganza. As Alan says, par for the course. Mostly.
btw, just noticed your revised profile -- oh, brother! [major eye-roll] :)
the mile high club, eh? wasn't there a previous incident in the news recently?
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